Company Law-Shares-Share Cerificates-Estoppel by Shares Certificates
Contracts Law-Estoppel by Shares Certificates
Banking Law-Estoppel by Shares Certificates
Evidence-Estoppel by Shares Certificates
Company Law-Company Name-legal implications
Names & Legal personalities-Identity-Consequences for improperly citing of
Civil Practice & Procedure-Parties to suits-properly naming (plaintiffs/Defendants)
Company Law-Prospectus-Misrepresentation
Contracts-Misrepresentation-Steps to be taken/Remedies
Time-A matter of essence at law
Delays in pursuing legal remedies-Consequences
Remedies-At Law & Equity
Company Law-Charges
-Book Debts-Assignments
Banking Law-Securities-Assignment
Securities Law
Creditor & Debtor Law-Assignment of charges/debts
Company Law-Prospectus-Legal implications/consequences of information contained therein.
Contract Law-Mis-statements & Fraud
Criminal Law-Fraud
Securities Law-Fraud